
Journal "Stekolnoye Delo"

Stekolnoye Delo No. 8 2018
30 Juli 2018
Fresh number

Stekolnoye Delo No. 8 2018

One day the architect Philip Johnson, seeing the confusion of the guests who first came to his glass house, told them: "Just be silent for a while and look around". So did we: we looked around... and saw that the appearance of many cities had changed greatly in recent years.

Architects are increasingly giving preference to glass in their designs. Wide panoramic glazing, glass-glaring entrance spaces, all-glass facades. Whether we like it or not, but domination of glass in urban architecture is a fact. And it can be explained very clearly and simply: glass has such undeniable advantages that it would be strange if they were appreciated by architects only. Builders, installers, designers, artists understand too that the future will require increasing familiarity with this unique material.

The journal named Stekolnoye Delo (Glazing Business) is meant to be as a platform where professionals exchange knowledge of glass. To help in exchanging skills in handling it. You see, glass only obeys the knowledgeable and skillful ones. They are those whom we invite to the pages of our journal first of all. We offer architects, builders and developers, installers, manufacturers, everyone who is somehow associated with glass, to share their knowledge, skills, experience, problems. We want to not only get feedback from our readers, but also expand the range of reliable business partners. With this journal, TITAN makes a step forward.

Stekolnoye Delo No. 5 2016
1 Сентября 2016